– YDS Reading Vocabulary Test

Transkript – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 44: Insulin Resistance
The effect of obesity on insulin levels is
particularly worrying. Insulin, produced by the
pancreas, has many jobs, including delivering
sugar to cells to provide them with energy. But
inflammation and inappropriate fat storage may
keep cells from responding properly to the
hormone, causing so-called insulin resistance.
This prompts the pancreas to pump out more and
more of it. Eventually blood-sugar levels rise out
of control and the patient develops diabetes. High
levels of blood sugar can lead to blindness as
blood vessels swell or grow on the retina; kidney
disease as the body’s natural filters are
overwhelmed; and loss of limbs because of
damage to nerves and blood vessels. Excess
insulin causes harm in other ways, too. People
who are obese and diabetic are more likely to
contract certain cancers and die from them. This
may be because excess insulin supplies glucose
to cancer cells, helping them replicate.
Epidemiological studies confirm the hidden
dangers of obesity. In a series of surveys of more
than 200,000 American health workers since the
1970s, those who had gained 5-11kg over the
period were up to three times as likely to have
diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease
as those who had kept their weight steadier.
It can be inferred from the passage that the
prevalence of high blood sugar -----.
a) increases the likelihood of getting permanent
damage from subsequent conditions
b) has the most profound impact on kidneys
contrary to what was previously thought
c) is a natural barrier that noticeably slows down
the replication of cancer cells
effect of obesity
obezitenin etkisi
insulin level
insülin seviyesi
particularly worrying
özellikle endişe verici
produced by the
pankreas tarafından
deliver sugar to cells
hücrelere şeker iletmek
provide energy
enerji sağlamak
inappropriate fat storage
uygunsuz yağ depolama
respond properly to the
hormona uygunca karşılık
insulin resistance
insülin direnci
prompt pancreas to
pump more of it
pankreası daha fazla
pompalamaya zorlamak
blood-sugar level
kan şekeri seviyesi
rise out of control
kontrolden çıkmak
develop diabetes
şeker hastalığını
lead to blindness
körlüğe yol açmak
blood vessels
kan damarları
swell or grow on the
retinada şişmek ya da
kidney disease
böbrek hastalığı
overwhelmed natural
aşırı çalışan doğal filtreler
loss of limbs
uzuv kaybı
damage to nerves
sinir hasarı
excess insulin
fazla insülin
d) is likely to have insignificant effects on the
overall health of the individual
cause harm
zarara sebep olmak
e) is the prime cause of most types of cancer
contract certain cancers
belirli kanserlere
It can be concluded from the passage that ----.
supply glucose
glükoz sağlamak
a) the most effective solution against insulin
resistance is employing a strict diet
help them replicate
çoğalmalarına yardımcı
confirm hidden dangers
gizli tehlikeleri onaylamak
series of surveys
anket dizisi
health workers
sağlık işçileri
high blood pressure
heart disease
kalp hastalığı
keep weight steady
ağırlığı dengede tutmak
b) obesity almost always has fatal consequences
regardless of age and gender
c) excess body weight may result in several
health issues some of which are quite severe
d) diabetes has become considerably more
prevalent in modern societies
e) keeping weight under control is quite
challenging without determination
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 44: Insulin Resistance
Altı çizili kelimenin yerine kullanılabilecek
olan eş anlamlı kelimeyi seçiniz.
Boşlukları aşağıda verilen kelimelerlenden en
uygun olanlarla doldurunuz.
Insulin resistance prompts the pancreas to
pump out more and more of it.
respond, overwhelm, deliver, replicate, contract
a) impede
b) hinder
In order not to ----- employees with excessive
work, managers should create a schedule that
contains sufficient break time.
Unless another group of researchers are able to
----- the findings of our study, it will unfortunately
be considered invalid.
Plants immediately ----- to sunlight, as it is their
only source of energy.
c) compel
d) curb
e) deliver
Eventually blood-sugar levels rise out of
control and the patient develops diabetes.
a) initially
10. Logistics companies that regularly fail to ----- the
goods on time will surely harm their reputation.
b) ultimately
c) comparatively
d) apparently
hidden, steady, eventual, inappropriate, excess
e) obviously
High levels of blood sugar can lead to
blindness as blood vessels swell or grow on
the retina.
a) account for
b) bring about
c) take off
d) keep up with
e) come up with
Insulin, produced by the pancreas, has many
jobs, including delivering sugar to cells to
provide them with energy.
11. Modern smartphones possess many ----- features
that ordinary users are not even aware of.
12. A ----- income is the ultimate goal of most citizens
who formerly experienced financial difficulties.
13. In almost any project, the ----- cost is usually
much higher than the projections.
14. Casual behaviour is considered ----- in formal
meetings where people do not know each other.
Altı çizili kelimenin zıt anlamlısını seçiniz.
15. Inflammation and inappropriate fat storage
may keep cells from responding properly to
the hormone, causing so-called insulin
a) supply
a) inconveniently
b) avoid
b) haphazardly
c) deprive
d) deteriorate
c) inadvertently
d) indeliberately
e) explode
e) unintenionally
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 44: Insulin Resistance
Cevap Anahtarı
1) a
2) c
3) c
4) b
5) b
6) a
7) overwhelm
8) replicate
9) respond
10) deliver
11) hidden
12) steady
13) eventual
14) inappropriate
15) a
Türkçe Çeviri
Obezitenin insülin seviyesi üzerindeki etkisi özellikle
endişe vericidir. Pankreas tarafından üretilen insülinin
hücrelere şeker iletmek ve enerji sağlamayı içermek
üzere bir çok görevi vardır. Fakat, iltihap ve uygunsuz
yağ depolanması hücrelerin hormona düzgünce tepki
vermesini engelleyebilir, bu da insülin direnci adı
verilen duruma sebep olmaktadır. Bu pankreası
gitgide daha fazla insülin pompalamaya zorlar. En
nihayetinde kan şekeri seviyeleri kontrolden çıkar ve
hasta şeker hastalığı geliştirir. Yüksek kan şekeri
seviyesi retinadaki kan damarları şiştiğinden ya da
büyüdüğünden körlüğe, vücudun doğal filtreleri aşırı
yüklendiğinden böbrek hastalığına ve sinirler ile kan
damarlarıına yönelik hasar yüzünden uzuv kaybına yol
açabilir. Aşırı insülin başka zararlara da yol açabilir.
Obez olan ve şeker hastalığına sebep olan insanların
çeşitli kanserlere yakalanmaları ve ölmeleri daha
olasıdır. Bu aşırı insülinin kanser hücrelerine glükoz
sağlayıp kopyalanmalarına yardımcı olduğundan
olabilir. Bilimsel çalışmalar obezitinin gizli tehlikelerini
onaylıyor. 1970’lerden beri 200,000 Amerikan sağlık
işçisi üzerinden uygulanan bir dizi ankette, dönem
boyunca ağırlığını dengede tutanlara göre 5-11 kg
alan kişilerin şeker, tansiyon ve kalp hastalığına
yakalanma olasılığı 3 kata kadar daha olasıdır.
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: