Renewable Energy


Renewable Energy – Mini YDS 6: Renewable Energy
Boşlukları tamamlayan doğru ifadeleri
While many renewable energy projects are
large-scale, renewable technologies are also
suited to rural and ----- areas.
Projects in many developing countries have
demonstrated that renewable energy can
directly contribute ----- poverty reduction ----providing the energy needed for creating
businesses and employment.
a) to / by
a) hazardous
b) at / for
b) remote
c) with / in
c) infertile
d) into / with
d) conservation
e) in / through
e) coastal
The most significant barriers to the
widespread ----- of large-scale renewable
energy strategies are primarily political and
not technological.
Renewable energy resources exist over wide
geographical areas, ----- other energy sources,
which are concentrated in a limited number of
a) just like
a) demand
b) rather than
b) preservation
c) in contrast to
c) generation
d) in case of
d) consumption
e) owing to
e) implementation
According to a 2011 projection by the
International Energy Agency, solar power
generators ----- most of the world's electricity
within 50 years, ----- the emissions of
greenhouse gases that harm the environment.
a) must produce / being reduced
b) will produce / to reduce
c) could have produced / having reduced
d) produced / reduced
In rural and remote areas, transmission and
distribution of energy generated from fossil
fuels can be difficult and expensive, ----producing renewable energy locally can offer
a viable alternative.
a) because
b) but
c) so long as
d) so that
e) once
e) may produce / reducing
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – Mini YDS 6: Renewable Energy
Verilen cümleye en yakın anlamlı ifadeyi
Anlam bütünlüğünü sağlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
Prior to the development of coal in the mid
19th century, nearly all energy used was
a) Renewable energy made up the majority of all
consumption until the emergence of coal in the
19th century.
b) When coal became the main source of energy
generation in the mid 19th century, renewable
energy was still commonly used.
c) Renewable energy accounted for almost all the
consumption before the 19th century, when coal
was already consumed extensively.
d) Even before the
century, renewable
energy was used increasingly less due to the
development of coal.
e) It was the development of coal in the 19th
century that lowered the utilization of renewable
In the far distant future, natural fuels having
been exhausted, solar power will remain as
the only means of existence of the human
a) Çok uzak gelecekte, doğal kaynakların
tamamıyla yok olması sebebiyle, güneş enerjisi
insanların hayatta kalmasına izin veren tek
kaynak olacaktır.
b) Doğal kaynakların uzun zaman içerisinde
tüketilmesinden sonra, güneş enerjisi insan
ırkının hayatta kalmasını mümkün kılan tek enerji
kaynağı olacaktır.
c) Çok uzun zaman sonra doğal kaynaklar
tüketilecek ve güneş enerjisi insan ırkının var
olma mücadelesinde tek kaynak olarak kalacaktır.
The costs of renewable energy technologies
have declined steadily, and are projected to
drop even more. For example, the average
price of a solar panel has dropped almost 60
percent since 2011. The cost of generating
electricity from wind dropped more than 20
percent between 2010 and 2012 and more than
80 percent since 1980. In areas with strong
wind resources like Texas, wind power can
compete directly with fossil fuels on costs.
----a) Renewable energy meets only a tiny fraction of
the whole demand in the country.
b) Renewable facilities require upfront
investments to build.
c) Similarly, fossil fuel prices can vary
dramatically and are prone to substantial price
d) The cost of renewable energy will decline even
further as markets mature.
e) Nevertheless, they operate at very low cost
unlike the conventional counterparts
Anlam bütünlüğünü bozan ifadeyi bulunuz.
10. (I) The risk of disruptive events will increase
in the future. (II) Wind and solar are less prone
to large-scale failure because they are
distributed and modular. (III) Distributed
systems are spread out over a large
geographical area, so a severe weather event
in one location will not cut off power to an
entire region. (IV) Modular systems are
composed of numerous individual wind
turbines or solar arrays. (V) Even if some of
the equipment in the system is damaged, the
rest can typically continue to operate.
d) Doğal kaynakların uzak gelecekte
tükenmesiyle, güneş enerjisi hayatta kalma
mücadelesinde insan ırkının tek silahı olacaktır.
a) I
e) Uzak gelecekte, doğal kaynakların
tüketilmesinden sonra, güneş enerjisi insan
ırkının tek hayatta kalma aracı olarak kalacaktır.
c) III
b) II
d) IV
e) V
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – Mini YDS 6: Renewable Energy
Cevap Anahtarı
1) b
2) e
3) e
4) a
5) c
6) b
7) a
8) e
9) d
10) a
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim:

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