– YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 5

Transkript – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 5 – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 5: Anxiety
Women are more likely to experience anxiety
than men. It could be because of differences
in brain chemistry and hormone fluctuations.
Reproductive events across a woman’s life are
associated with hormonal changes, which have
been linked to anxiety. The surge in oestrogen
and progesterone that occurs during pregnancy
can increase the risk for obsessive compulsive
disorder, characterised by disturbing and
repetitive thoughts, impulses and obsessions that
are distressing and debilitating. But in addition to
biological mechanisms, women and men seem to
experience and react to events in their life
differently. Women tend to be more prone to
stress, which can increase their anxiety. Also,
when faced with stressful situations, women and
men tend to use different coping strategies.
Women faced with life stressors are more likely to
ruminate about them, which can increase their
anxiety, while men engage more in
active, problem-focused coping. Other studies
suggest that women are more likely to experience
physical and mental abuse than men, and abuse
has been linked to the development of anxiety
disorders. Child abuse has been associated with
changes in brain chemistry and structure, and
according to previous research, women who have
experienced sexual abuse may have abnormal
blood flow in the hippocampus, a brain region
involved in emotion processing.
experience anxiety
kaygı yaşamak
brain chemistry
beyin kimyası
hormone fluctuations
hormon dalgalanmaları
reproductive events
doğumla alakalı olaylar
associate with changes
linked to anxiety
kaygıyla alakalı
surge in oestrogen
östrojen seviyesinde artış
during pregnancy
hamilelik esnasında
obsessive compulsive
disturbing and repetitive
rahatsız edici ve
tekrarlayan düşünceler
distressing impulses
endişelendiren istekler
debilitating obsessions
güçsüzleştiren takıntılar
in addition to biological
biyolojik mekanizmalara ek
olaylara farklı karşılık
react to events differently
prone to stress
strese karşı savunmasız
increase the anxiety
endişeyi arttırmak
stressful situations
stresli durumlar
coping strategies
başa çıkma stratejileri
life stressors
kaygı veren olaylar
ruminate about stressors
b) can effortlessly come up with reasonable
kaygı veren olayları sürekli
problem-focused coping
problem odaklı başa çıkma
c) tend to feel anxious only for a short while
physical and mental
fiziksel ve zihinsel istismar
d) seem to develop a problem-focused approach
anxiety disorders
kaygı bozuklukları
e) cannot cope with the issue as competently as
their male counterparts
child abuse
çocuk istismarı
brain structure
beyin yapısı
What could be the best title for the passage?
previous research
önceki araştırmalar
a) what women should do to cope with anxiety
sexual abuse
cinsel istismar
b) the possible reasons why anxiety impacts
women more severely
blood flow
kan akışı
It is clearly stated in the passage that when
faced with stress, women -----.
a) manage to ignore the problem without difficulty
obsesif kompulsif bozukluk
brain region
beyin bölgesi
c) how men are able to overcome the adverse
effects of stressful experiences
emotion processing
duygu oluşturma
d) the most likely outcome of anxiety disorders
without difficulty
e) what to do in the aftermath of distressing
reasonable solutions
makul çözümler
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 5: Anxiety
Altı çizili kelimenin yerine kullanılabilecek
olan eş anlamlı kelimeyi seçiniz.
Boşlukları aşağıda verilen kelimelerlenden en
uygun olanlarla doldurunuz.
Women and men seem to experience and
react to events in their life differently.
fluctuate, surge, abuse, associate, face
a) coincidentally
b) deliberately
Prices ----- dramatically when demand exceeds
The majority of people had to ----- severe
challenges at the initial stages of the Industrial
Some companies ----- the natural resources to
such an extent that the whole area gets destroyed
c) distinctively
d) thoroughly
e) dramatically
The surge in oestrogen and progesterone that
occurs during pregnancy can increase
the risk for obsessive compulsive disorder.
a) soar
10. Even when crude oil prices are stable,
gasoline prices ----- because of seasonal
b) fluctuation
c) decline
d) stagnation
prone, repetitive, obsessive, likely, abnormal
e) alteration
When faced with stressful situations, women
and men tend to use different coping
a) thoughts
b) addictions
11. The elderly are more ----- to diseases than their
younger counterparts.
12. ----- behaviours are becoming more widespread
in modern socities.
13. The most ----- outcome of natural disasters is
devastation unless strict measures are taken
c) circumstances
d) transformations
14. People tend to refrain from jobs that include ----tasks.
e) challenges
Altı çizili kelimenin zıt anlamlısını seçiniz.
Women tend to be more prone to stress,
which can increase their anxiety.
a) resistant
15. According to previous research, women who
have experienced sexual abuse may have
abnormal blood flow in the hippocampus.
b) appropriate
a) former
c) suspicious
b) prevailing
d) sufficient
c) unprecedented
e) vulnerable
d) prehistoric
e) notorious
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 5: Anxiety
Cevap Anahtarı
1) e
2) b
3) c
4) a
5) c
6) e
7) surge
8) face
9) abuse
10) fluctuate
11) prone
12) obsessive
13) likely
14) repetitive
15) b
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim:

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