with English - Global Heart Ministries


with English - Global Heart Ministries
1. Şöhrat Saňa asmandaky
Şöhrat Saňa asmandaky Atamyz
Şöhrat Saňa gökdäki Rebbim
Rebbi ajaýyp gudratly işleri üçin
Rebbi onuň hemmeden üstündigi
Joşuň! Surnaýlar, gyjaklar çalyp
Joşuň! Tans oýnap, depler çalyp
2. Tümlükden ýol açýan biri bar
Tümlükden ýol açýan biri bar
Şeýtany haçda ýeňen biri bar
Ynha gökde Onuň sagynda
Maňa päk nur saçýan biri bar
Söýmäni öwreden biri bar
Päk gyzdan doglan biri bar
Ähli günälerimi bagyşlap
Gyzgyn gujak açan biri bar
Älem syryn bilýän biri bar
Söýgi bilen bakan, biri bar
Gany men üçün akan biri bar – Isa
Söýmesemde söýýän biri bar
Meniň üçin ölen biri bar
Haça bigünä çüýlenen bar
Maňa köňül berýän biri bar
1. Glory to You our Father in heaven
Glory to You our Father in heaven
Glory to You my Lord in heaven
Let's magnfiy the Lord
For his wonderful mighty acts
Let's magnify the Lord
For He is above all things
Rejoice! Sing to our Lord
Playing trumpets, gijjaks
Rejoice! Greet our Lord
Dancing and playing drums
2. There is one who opens the way out
of darkness
There is one who opens the way out of
There is one who defeated Satan on the
There, in heaven, at His right hand
There is one who shines His pure light on
There is one who taught us to love
There is one who was born from a virgin
Forgiving all my sins
There is one who waiting with a warm
There is one who knows secrets of the
There is one who looks with love
Gaýtadan direlen biri bar
Baky durmuş berýän biri bar
Gany men üçin akan biri bar – Isa
Tümlükden ýol açýan biri bar
Meniň üçin ölen biri bar
Ähli günälerimi bagyşlap
Gyzgyn gujak açan biri bar
ölümden direlen biri bar
Baky durmuş berýän biri bar
Gany men üçin akan biri bar - Isa
There is one whose blood flowed for me –
There is one who loves even if I don't love
There is one who died for me
There is an innocent one who was nailed
to a cross
There is one who has given his heart to
There is one who rose again
There is one who gives eternal life
There is one whose blood flowed for me –
There is one who opens the way out of
There is one who died for me
Forgiving all my sins
There is one who waiting with a warm
There is one who rose again
There is one who gives eternal life
There is one whose blood flowed for me –
*3. Rebbi öwüň ýigitler
Rebbi öwüň ýigitler
Şan-şöhrat Saňa Reb Isa
Rebbi öwüň ýigitler
Alkyş Saňa Reb Isa
Rebbi öwüň ýigitler
Isa şöhratlar Saňa
3. Praise the Lord, young men!
Rebbi öwüň ýigitler3
Praise the Lord young men!
Glory to You Lord Jesus
Praise the Lord young men!
Bless You Lord Jesus
Praise the Lord young men!
Ol özüni biz üçin gurban eden halasgärdir
Jesus, praise to You
Rebbi öwüň eý gyzlar
Şan-şöhrat Saňa Reb Isa
He is the Saviour who gave himself for us
as a sacrifice
Rebbi öwüň eý gyzlar
Alkyş Saňa Reb Isa
Rebbi öwüň eý gyzlar
Isa şöhratlar Saňa
Praise the Lord young girls!
Glory to You Lord Jesus
Praise the Lord young girls!
Bless You Lord Jesus
Ol özüni biz üçin gurban eden halasgärdir
Praise the Lord young girls!
Jesus, praise to You
Ol ölümden direldi
Hemde şeýtany ýeňdi
Hudaýyň ogly Isa
Şöhrat Seniňki Rebbim
Alkyş Saňa Reb Isa
Halasgärim Mesih Patyşa
Ol ölümden direldi
Hemde dünýäni ýeňdi Hudaýyň
Sözi Isa
Şöhrat Saňa Reb Isa
Alkyş Saňa Reb Isa
Halasgärim Rebbim Patyşa
Rebbi öwüň atalar
Şan-şöhrat Saňa Reb Isa
Rebbi öwüň atalar
Alkyş Saňa Reb Isa
Rebbi öwüň atalar
Isa şöhratlar Saňa
Ol özüni biz üçin gurban eden halasgärdir
Rebbi öwüň ejeler
Şan-şöhrat Saňa Reb Isa
Rebbi öwüň ejeler
Alkyş Saňa Reb Isa
Rebbi öwüň ejeler
Isa şöhratlar Saňa
He is the Saviour who gave himself for us
as a sacrifice
He rose from the dead
And defeated Satan
Jesus God's Son
Glory is Yours my Lord
Blessings to You Lord Jesus
My Saviour, the Lord, the King
He rose from the dead
And defeated Satan
Jesus God's Word
Glory to You, Lord Jesus
Blessing to You Lord Jesus
My Saviour, the Lord, the King
Praise the Lord, fathers!
Glory to You Lord Jesus
Praise the Lord, fathers!
Bless You Lord Jesus
Praise the Lord, fathers!
Jesus, praise to You
Ol özüni biz üçin gurban eden halasgärdir He is the Saviour who gave himself for us
as a sacrifice
Ol ölümden direldi
Hemde şeýtany ýeňdi
Hudaýyň ogly Isa
Şöhrat Seniňki Rebbim
Alkyş Saňa Reb Isa
Praise the Lord, mothers!
Glory to You Lord Jesus
Praise the Lord, mothers!
Bless You Lord Jesus
Halasgärim Mesih Patyşa
Ol ölümden direldi
Hemde dünýäni ýeňdi Hudaýyň
Sözi Isa
Şöhrat Saňa Reb Isa
Alkyş Saňa Reb Isa
Halasgärim Mesih Patyşa
Praise the Lord, mothers!
Jesus, praise to You
He is the Saviour who gave himself for us
as a sacrifice
He rose from the dead
And defeated Satan
Jesus God's Son
Glory is Yours my Lord
Blessings to You Lord Jesus
My Saviour, the Lord, the King
He rose from the dead
And defeated Satan
Jesus God's Word
Glory to You, Lord Jesus
Blessing to You Lord Jesus
My Saviour, the Lord, the King
4. Baky durmuş bar Sen eken
4. Only in You is there eternal life
Baky durmuş bir Sen eken
Azaşyp, ýör ekenim
Oýlanmaga bir pursat geldi
Only in You is there eternal life
But I was wandering, lost
The time came to think
Daýanjym boldy bir dost
Durmuşumy özgertdi
Wepadar, ynamdar, mukaddes
A friend became my stronghold
He changed my life
Faithful, trustworthy, holy
Perwerdigär, Perwerdigär
Hudaýyň gurbanlyk Guzusy
Perwerdigär, Perwerdigär
Asmandan gelen Halasgär
Creator God, Creator God
God's sacrificial lamb
Creator God, Creator God
The saviour from heaven
*5. Isa Mesih Hudaýyň Sözi
5. Jesus Christ, God's Word
Isa Mesih Hudaýyň Sözi
Jesus Christ
God's Word
Isa Mesih
Hudaýyň Sözi
Durmuş joşguny
The inspiration of life
Seniň adyňda
Günäm ýuwuldy
Bütin kalbymy
Saňa tabşyrdym
In Your name
My sin is washed away
My whole heart
I have committed to You
6. Owaldan gurban bolmaga
bellenen Guzy
6. The Lamb appointed as the sacrifice
from eternity
Owaldan gurban bolmaga bellenen
Minnetdar Saňa mukaddes
Owaldan gurban bolmaga saýlanan
Saňa alkyş bolsun gudratly
The Lamb appointed as the sacrifice from
Thank You our holy saviour
The Lamb appointed as the sacrifice from
Bless You our powerful protector
Men asla aklanymazdym Hudaý
Eger Sen eý Rebbim Isa bolmadyk
Men asla bagyşlanmazdym kanun
Eger sen men üçün gurban
bolmadyk bolsaň
Owaldan gurban bolmaga bellenen
Minnetdar Saňa mukaddes
Hudaýyň öňünde biziň
Bu dünýäň ahyrky gününde
öwgüler, öwgüler
I would not have been justified at all
before God
If You had not been, Oh my Lord Jesus
I would not have been forgiven at all
before the law
If you had not become a sacrifice for me
The Lamb appointed as the sacrifice from
Thank You our holy saviour
Our adviser before God
Our Advocate on the last day
Praises, praises
Praises to You our Lord Jesus
öwgüler saňa Rebbimiz Isa
7. Iki dünýä
7. Two worlds
Iki dünýä bar eken owaldan bäri
Baky dünýä seredýän men
doýmazdan [2 gezek]
There have always been two worlds
I could look at the everlasting world for
Bäş günlük bu älemde
jebir-jepa köpdür
Hem pany bu dünýäde
Hudaýy bilýän jan neneň bagtlydyr
For five days on this earth
There are many sufferings
And in this fleeting world
How happy is the soul who knows God
Bäş günlük ömürde
Gaýgy hasrat köpdür
Hem pany bu dünýäde
Hudaýy bilýän jan neneň bagtlydyr
For five days in this life
There are many sadnesses
And in this fleeting world
How happy is the soul who knows God
Bu älemde ömrümiň ýary geçdi Seni
Bu älemde gözmüň ýaşy bir çene
ýetdi Seni bilmän
On this earth half my life went by without
knowing You
On this earth my eyes were filled with
tears not knowing you
Bäş günlük bu älemde
jebir-jepa köpdür
Hem pany bu dünýäde
Hudaýy bilýän jan neneň bagtlydyr
For five days on this earth
There are many sufferings
And in this fleeting world
How happy is the soul who knows God
Bäş günlük ömürde
Dady-perýat köpdür
Hem pany bu dünýäde
Hudaýy bilýän jan neneň bagtlydyr
For five days in this life
There are many tears of grief
And in this fleeting world
How happy is the soul who knows God
8. Ýaşaýyş berdi
8. He Gave Life
Eý Hudaý, ýaşaýyş berdiň
Söýdüň şunça bendäňi
Eý Hudaý, ýaşaýyş berdiň
Söýdüň şunça bendäňi
Ýöne biz nadanlar
Oh God, you have given life
You loved your servant so much
Oh God, you have given life
You loved your servant so much
But we have been fools
Unutdyk şöhratyňy
We forgot your glory
Geldi Isa aramyza
Nuryny salmak üçin
öldi Mesih biziň üçin
Günämiz ýuwmak üçin
Jesus came into our midst
To bring us into the Light
Christ died for us
To wash away our sins
Günämiz ýuwuldy
Isa Mesihiň gany bilen
Günämiz ýuwuldy
Isa Mesihiň gany bilen
Our sin has been washed
By Jesus Christ's blood
Our sin has been washed
By Jesus Christ's blood
Ýaşaýyşa ýetdik indi
Rebbimiziň gurbanynda
Ýaşaýyşa ýetdik indi
Rebbimiziň gurbanynda
We have reached life now
In the sacrifice of our Lord
We have reached life now
In the sacrifice of our Lord
Geldi Isa aramyza
Nuryny salmak üçin
öldi Mesih biziň üçin
Günämiz ýuwmak üçin
Jesus came into our midst
To bring us into the Light
Christ died for us
To wash away our sins
Geldi Isa aramyza
Nuryny salmak üçin
öldi Mesih biziň üçin
Günämiz ýuwmak üçin
Jesus came into our midst
To bring us into the Light
Christ died for us
To wash away our sins