the lord`s day november 16, 2014


the lord`s day november 16, 2014
9:50 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Call to Worship
Psalm 2:11-12
“Serve the LORD with fear, And rejoice with trembling. Kiss
the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When
His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put
their trust in Him.” (NKJV)
* Praise
* Prayer of Invocation
Tithes and Offerings
Psalm Meditation
Pastoral Prayer
* Praise
Scripture Reading
* Praise
* Benediction
* Doxology…
Psalm 2A
(Pastor Kuehner)
Psalm 102D
Psalm 24C
Psalm 11
“God is Our Refuge”
Psalm 46C
Psalm 106G
Blessed be the LORD, The God of Israel
From everlasting to everlasting.
Let all the people say, “Amen.”
O praise the LORD!
* Congregation standing
Church History
11:50 a.m.
November Jobs: 1. Wendy / Sophia, 2. Lisa, 3. Parnell,
4. Maegan / Frederick, 5. Cameron / Wade, Greeters:
Darrell / Paul
The Free Church of Scotland congregation in Toronto voted
recently to become a congregation of the RPCNA. They will be
received into the St. Lawrence Presbytery, which has already
approved their reception and were waiting for the vote. Please
pray that that transition will take place smoothly and they as a
congregation will be blessed by their new relationship with us.
The RP Global Missions board members (Dave Long, David
Hanson and Heather Huizing) who are in South Sudan to
encourage the saints there and to help evaluate the work as plans
are made for the future.
Dr. Ken Smith (President of Geneva College) writes, “Dear colaborers in Christ, On November 19, the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit in Philadelphia will hear oral argument in Geneva
College’s challenge to the Health and Human Services (HHS)
Department’s mandate under the Affordable Care Act that we
provide coverage for abortion-inducing drugs and devices as part
of our student and employee health insurance plans. In response
to our lawsuit, filed in February, 2012, the U.S. District Court in
Pittsburgh entered preliminary injunctions preventing the
government from using our student and employee health plans as
conduits for the provision of abortion-inducing drugs and devices.
The government appealed, asking the appellate court to vacate
those injunctions. The College’s case has been consolidated on
appeal with cases brought by Roman Catholic entities in
Pittsburgh and Erie. As a reminder, our suit is not directed at
preventative contraception, but is about protecting Geneva and
other religious organizations from government mandates that
require us to act against our convictions. We believe that this
mandate is a violation of the freedoms of religion and free speech
guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and affirming
legislation such as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Please
pray: (1) for our attorney Greg Baylor as he prepares for and
presents our case; (2) for attorney Mickey Pohl, who will present
argument on behalf of the Catholic organizations challenging the
Mandate; (3) that the oral arguments and briefs will persuade the
judges to rule in favor of Geneva College and the Catholic
entities; and (4) that God will be glorified no matter what the
outcome. In His grace, Dr. Ken Smith”
Peyman (the young boy from Cyprus) has been in the United
States with his mother (Felek) now for 15 months for medical
care. Felek recently started taking driving lessons. Peyman began
stage two of his treatment last Monday. The doctors at the
hospital in Philadelphia put a cast on each foot extending all the
way up the thigh to turn each foot outward, and to flatten each
arch to deal with his club feet. Every Monday for the next three
months he will get a new cast to continue the pressure. Peyman
is in good spirits and enjoying attending a local kindergarten. The
application for Felek’s husband and older son to secure visas
to come to the United States remains in the hands of our
government. Please pray for his mother, father, brother, his
doctors and Peyman himself that God’s abundant grace
would meet all their needs.
First RP in Grand Rapids regarding the call on Craig Scott as
Pastor. Other churches in the RPCNA that are without
Nitu as she is away in India with Naman until after the birth of
her second child. Pray for her husband Himanshu in her
Pray that God would bless the door-to-door visits and that He
would make disciples for Himself from among the men,
women, children and families of Southfield. Give thanks for
visitors that the Lord sends to us and seek opportunities to
minister to them. Pray especially for those who do not know
God that they might come to Him through the preaching of
Christ in our midst.
The expansion of the RP Church into India, Pakistan,
Mexico, Central and South America and throughout East
Asia. Pray for Ram Rao and family, Venky and others
laboring for the Gospel in India.
Our brothers and sisters in Christ in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and
Pakistan with threats from ISIS and other militant Islamic
For additional new work for Jonathan Hart.
Prayer meeting in Ann Arbor.
Wednesday: Prayer meeting at the church is cancelled this
Next Lord’s
Morning and afternoon worship services with
fellowship lunch.
Nov. 30
Evangelistic service and fellowship brunch. Fifth
Sabbath Special Offering (designation still to be
1 Peter 1:22-25a, “Since you have purified your souls in
obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the
brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart,
having been born again, not of corruptible seed but
incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and
abides forever, 24 because ‘All flesh is as grass, And all the
glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers,
And its flower falls away, 25 But the word of the LORD
endures forever.’” (NKJV)
Sermon Notes
Compare the glorious change thou shalt have at last, with the
gracious change which the Spirit hath here wrought on thy heart.
There is not the smallest sincere grace in thee, but is of greater
worth than the riches of the Indies; not a hearty desire a er
Christ, but is more to be valued than the kingdoms of the world.
A renewed nature is the very image of God; Christ dwelling in us,
and the Spirit of God abiding in us; it is a beam from the face of
God; the seed of God remaining in us; the only inherent beauty of
the ra onal soul: it ennobles man above all nobility; ts him to
understand his Maker’s pleasure, do his will, and receive his glory.
If this grain of mustard-seed be so precious, what is “the tree of
life in the midst of the paradise of God!” If a spark of life, which
will but strive against corrup ons, and ame out a few desires and
groans, be of so much worth, how glorious then is the fountain of
this life! If we are said to be like God when we are pressed down
with a body of sin; surely we shall be much more like God when
we have no such thing as sin within us. Is the desire a er, and love
of heaven, so excellent; what then is the thing itself? Is our joy in
foreseeing and believing so sweet; what will be the joy of full
possession? How glad is a Chris an when he feels his heart begin
to melt, and be dissolved with the thoughts of sinful unkindness!
Even this sorrow yields him joy. O what then will it be, when we
shall know, and love, and rejoice, and praise in the highest
perfec on! Thine with thyself, “What a change was it to be taken
from that state wherein I was born, and in which I was riveted by
custom, when thousands of sins lay against me; and if I had so
died, I have been damned for ever! What an astonishing change,
to be jus ed from all these enormous crimes, and freed from all
these fearful plagues, and made an heir of heaven! How o en,
when I have thought of my regenera on, have I cried out, O
blessed day! and blessed be the Lord that ever I saw it! How, then,
shall I cry out in heaven, O blessed eternity! and blessed be the
Lord that brought me to it! Did the angels of God rejoice to see
my conversion? surely they will congratulate my felicity in my
salva on. Grace is but a spark raked up in the ashes, covered with
esh from the sight of the world, and some mes covered with
corrup on from my own sight; but my everlas ng glory will not be
so clouded, nor my light be ‘under a bushel, but upon a hill,’ even
upon mount Sion, the mount of God.”
– Richard Baxter (1650), The Saints' Everlas ng Rest
“Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name;
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”
Psalm 29:2
26550 Evergreen Road. Southfield, MI 48076