– YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 1

Transkript – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 1 – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 1: Near-Total Starvation
The duration of survival without food is greatly
influenced by factors such as body weight,
genetic variation, other health considerations and,
most importantly, the presence or absence of
dehydration. For total starvation in healthy
individuals receiving adequate hydration, reliable
data on survival are hard to obtain. At the age of
74 and already slight of build, Mahatma Gandhi,
the famous nonviolent campaigner for India's
independence, survived 21 days of total
starvation while only allowing himself sips of
water. Unlike total starvation, near-total starvation
with continued hydration has occurred frequently,
both in history and in patients under medical
supervision. Survival for many months to years is
common in concentration camps and during
famines, but the unknown caloric intake during
these times makes it impossible to predict
survival. What is evident is that the body can
moderate metabolism to conserve energy and
that individual survival varies markedly. The
body's ability to alter its metabolism is poorly
understood, but it occurs at least in part through
changes in thyroid function. This may help explain
the evolutionary persistence of genes causing
diabetes, which in the past could have allowed
individuals to survive periods of starvation by
enabling more economical use of energy.
duration of survival
hayatta kalma süresi
great influence
büyük etki
body weight
vücut ağırlığı
genetic variation
genetik farklılık
health considerations
sağlık meseleleri
presence of deyhdration
susuzluğun varlığı
absence of deyhdration
susuzluğun yokluğu
total starvation
tam açlık
healthy individuals
sağlıklı bireyler
adequate hydration
yeterli su alımı
reliable data
güvenilir bilgi
hard to obtain
elde etmesi zor
slight of build
küçük yapılı
nonviolent campaigner
barış yanlısı kampanyacı
sips of water
birkaç yudum su
occur frequently
sıklıkla meydana gelmek
The passage is mainly about -----.
medical supervision
tıbbi bakım
a) the changes that occur in deyhdrated bodies
concentration camp
esaret kampı
b) the body’s coping mechanisms with starvation
c) the aftermath of long-term starvation
caloric intake
kalori alımı
impossible to predict
tahmin etmesi imkansız
açık, belli
It is implied in the passage that -----.
moderate metabolism
metabolizmayı yönetmek
a) people are able to survive for relatively long
periods even when food is scarce
conserve energy
enerjiyi muhafaza etmek
vary markedly
çok farklılaşmak
ability to alter
değiştirme becerisi
poorly understood
az anlaşılmış
through changes
değişiklikler vasıtasıyla
evoltionary persistence
evrimsel ısrar – dayanıklılık
periods of starvation
açlık dönemleri
enable energy
enerji sağlamak
d) the latest treatment methods against starvation
e) strategies for survival with little to no water
b) the genetic make-up is the prime factor that
determines how long a person may survive
without food
c) the body needs more calories when deprived of
d) it has been proven that people with a lean body
can survive much longer without food intake
e) diabetes has long been known to make
patients susceptible to starvation
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 1: Near-Total Starvation
Altı çizili kelimenin yerine kullanılabilecek
olan eş anlamlı kelimeyi seçiniz.
Boşlukları aşağıda verilen kelimelerlenden en
uygun olanlarla doldurunuz.
The duration of survival without food is
greatly influenced by factors such as body
weight and genetic variation.
supervision, famine, variation, influence, starvation
a) affected
Nearly every continent in the world has
experienced a period of ----- throughout history.
----- is a severe deficiency in caloric energy intake
needed to maintain human life.
There are many reasons why there is genetic----between populations.
b) prevented
c) demolished
d) manipulated
e) hindered
Unlike total starvation, near-total starvation
with continued hydration has occurred
frequently, both in history and in patients
under medical supervision.
a) In addition to
10. The Romans had a profound ----- on all
civilizations that flourished in Europe.
poorly, reliable, adequate, slight, frequent
b) In contrast to
c) Besides
d) Similar to
e) Regardless of
Survival for many months to years is common
in concentration camps and during famines.
a) insistent
b) infrequent
11. Everyone has the right to a standard of living ----for the health and well-being of himself and his
12. ----- earthquakes kept the inhabitants in constant
13. The ----- differences between identical twins can,
in most cases, only be distinguished by their
14. An experiment should continuously yield the
same results to be considered -----.
c) widespread
d) random
Altı çizili kelimenin zıt anlamlısını seçiniz.
e) arbitrary
15. The body's ability to alter its metabolism is
poorly understood.
The body can moderate metabolism to
conserve energy and that individual survival
varies markedly.
a) primarily
a) relatively
c) inadequately
b) indifferently
d) thoroughly
c) deliberately
e) excessively
b) partially
d) particularly
e) notably
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 1: Near-Total Starvation
Cevap Anahtarı
1) b
2) a
3) a
4) b
5) c
6) e
7) famine
8) starvation
9) variation
10) influence
11) adequate
12) frequent
13) slight
14) reliable
15) d
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim:

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